
Friday 7 June 2013

Seeing Thankfulness: Week One

This week I am thankful for...

...summer evenings. I love that it is lighter for longer, and I welcome the coolness at the end of a hot day.

...lunch breaks in the park in the sunshine, complete with a good book to read.

...blackbirds. I love their tuneful song. We have one that is regularly visiting our garden at the moment, on the hunt for juicy worms. The one in photo isn't the same fella, but this one was serenading us beautifully on our walk yesterday evening.

...for the colour pink and the memories it triggers. It was eight years ago today that my grandma died. She would have loved the dress I wore today, as she always liked seeing me in pink. I am thankful for my grandma. I was her first grandchild and only granddaughter. She introduced me to reading and fairytales which in turn gave me my passion for writing stories. I am thankful that I have those precious memories of sitting beside her, reading book after book on the little wicker chair she had especially for me. I miss her, and today she was particularly in my mind.

...for my imagination. This wooded rockery area in the park near work is always really peaceful. I call it the "Goblin Garden" and can just see the goblins, fairies, and other forest creatures running about their daily business as I wander through it. I am thankful that the same imagination helps me create stories full of crazy characters and their wonderful adventures. I need to be reminded to use it more often, and am thankful for any inspiration that comes my way.

...large cups of tea at work. I find tea comforting and a necessary aide to sitting at a computer all day. It's important, therefore, to have a good sized mug to drink it from. I had a lovely Cath Kidston mug with strawberries on it. Now, pranks and what we know as "gross buffoonery" are the order of the day in my office. Earlier this week one of my colleagues was committing the latter when my mug was caught in the fray and fell to the floor smashing into pieces. I was quite upset because it meant that I would now have to drink out of one of the manky mugs in the kitchen that no one ever claims ownership to. Feeling guilty he bought me another Cath Kidston mug, which I didn't expect him to do, but I certainly appreciated. As you can see it's not the same pattern but it's just as pretty as the previous one, and of course I have forgiven him.

So I am thankful God for the beauty around me, for the summer sunshine, the birdsong, and the long days. I am thankful for memories, for imagination, for silliness, and for tea.

Photos my own.


  1. I would love to eat my lunch in a "goblin garden"...I would love to read your book! You should put up a sample on here for us :) And how sweet of your coworker to buy you a new cup. Good deal! I agree, drinking hot beverages while slaving away at work is very necessary. I usually have a hot cup of coffee (with lots of creamer) or tea and my large cannister of water as I'm usually lends to me having to get up and use the john about 500x a day...but then the exercise is pretty beneficial, right? so no worries... :)

    1. The Goblin Garden is great - no one else ever seems to be in there. I don't eat my lunch there as there's nowhere to sit and it's a bit too dark to read anything under the shade of the trees, but I do enjoy a wander around it afterwards :)

      I know what you mean about frequent loo visits thanks to drinking lots at work! I see it as part of the essential "screen breaks" we're meant to take at regular intervals ;)
