
Friday 13 July 2012

Friday's Letters

Today I thought I would link up with Friday's Letters by Adventures of Newlyweds, as there are a few things I felt I needed to get off of my chest!

Dear Weather,
Please hold off the rain until after the youth group's end of year pool party tonight. The kids and leaders in the pool may not mind, but those of us on BBQ duty want to stay dry for a reason!
Also, in general, if you could improve immensely that would be great. We would all like a summer here. If necessary, please redirect this letter to the Jet Stream, because I gather that's who you blame all your problems on.
Yours, Fire Fairy.

Dear Cat Next Door,
Our garden is not a toilet. We've just got it all nice and pretty, and although you're now leaving the flowerbeds alone your attack on the gravel is not appreciated. Please, just go somewhere else.
Thankfully not yours, Fire Fairy.

Dear Economy,
Pick yourself up so I can stop getting job rejections. Thanks.
Yours, Fire Fairy.

Dear Strawberries,
You're very tasty, and we thoroughly enjoyed you for pudding last night. Please grow more of you so that we can use you to make a pavlova of epic proportions. After all, you owe us, seeing how well we've done at protecting you from aphids and slugs.
Mine, Fire Fairy.

Dear Olympic Torch,
Most people here think you're pretty hot. So hot, that next week the town centre roads are being closed off just for you. That makes you rather special I would say. I just have one request - please keep your sojourn here brief because I don't want my bus home from work to be delayed. Thanking you.
Not yours, Fire Fairy.

Dear Science,
My husband is now a Master of you, as ordained by the University of London, so watch out!
Yours just about, Fire Fairy



  1. Hehe, thank you for this post. I've had a bit of a rubbish day and this gave me a much needed giggle :-D xx

    P.S. Might have to steal this idea!

    1. Happy to have helped! Sorry you had a rubbish day, hope the weekend more than makes up for it for you :) xxxx

  2. That sucks about the job rejections, but hooray for your husband and his masters! :)

  3. My husband and I had a similar problem with cats coming onto our property. I read that cats hate coffee, so I started dumping used coffee grounds wherever I had seen cats. They never come back to the same spot after I do that.

    1. Thanks Robin - my husband's just started drinking fresh coffee in the mornings again, so it seems like the perfect time to give it a try! I've made my own spray out of cheap orange juice and water, but of course the rain washes it away so it needs frequent reapplication, and I'm a bit worried that the sweet, stickiness will attract ants etc. So, next try will be coffee grounds :)

  4. Hello friend! I nominated you for the Liebster Award. It's a fun little link-up I was included in. :) Check it out. :)

  5. I love this! I hope you were able to get home from work okay. I'm sure your country must be buzzing right now with the games starting. Fun, fun. Stay safe! Hope you are able to find work quickly :)

    Happy weekend, girly.


    1. Thanks Jeanine :) I'm actually beginning to get into the Olympics a bit more now. It's been playing on the TV in the staff room at work at lunchtime, and it's been impossible not to get sucked in, especially after Team GB finally won golds today, hooray!
