
Friday 7 September 2012

Bye Bye Summer

It's always funny when the youth at church ask me how my summer was. They've just had a couple of months of glorious freedom and they think that everybody else has had the same. Bless their cottons. At least they've all got a few more years of education until reality bites in the future. Oh how I miss those long summer holidays.

Summer has been just like any other time of year for us, only slightly, and I mean slightly, better weather. Life has actually been so busy the past couple of months that I haven't had much time to sit and write down stuff or even time to think vaguely about potential blog posts, so I thought it was time for an update on my 'hectic' life:

Work has been dominating my life somewhat recently. It is a very long story, so here is the short version: I am going back into full-time work next week. I will still be working for the same organisation in the same department, but I will be in a different team and based in a different office.

It was my last day in my other role on Wednesday and it was lovely. I provided lots of yummy cakes of course, and the team presented me with a gorgeous bunch of flowers and some great presents, including framed song lyrics - a variation on Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - based on my time there. It was awesome, and I was incredibly touched.

I am glad to still be part of the same department as I will still get to work with these guys, but it won't be quite the same. I will definitely miss them, and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be part of such a great team after the misery of my previous job.

Going back to full-time work does not mean I will be neglecting my writing, but I will miss having those two days a week at home. However I have learnt a lot about myself, about my technique, my working style, and my discipline, by having the opportunity to work at home. I still believe wholeheartedly that I am meant to be a writer, but I understand much better now that for me, writing a novel is a long process, and that isn't a bad thing. I am also more determined than ever to complete it, and to continue with future projects, because I know that I have what it takes.

In non-fiction news I have been commissioned to write two articles for a new magazine that our church is producing for older members of the congregation, especially those who are not always able to attend services and may feel out of the loop. Having already seen the work our associate minister has put into the design etc, I am really excited to be contributing to it.

My husband and I have just joined the gym. My husband has been going running several times a week, and has really benefitted from it. He wanted me to join him but I hate running. However, I knew I had to do something. I have a tendency to put on weight around my tummy, and therefore well-meaning people have been making assumptions that I am pregnant when I am most definitely not. It makes me feel really rubbish to be honest.

We eat a pretty healthy diet (low carbs, lots of fruit & veg, very little processed food etc), but it's not enough. So we've joined the gym and have both had successful inductions with our assigned personal trainers. I am hoping to improve my overall fitness and tone up a bit, and will also be visiting the pool as I I really enjoy swimming. Currently my upper arms are sore thanks to the chest press, but no pain no gain right?

Social Life
Who doesn't like having a social life? I love having lots of events to go to, and spending quality time with friends and family, but on top of that there are the preparations for upcoming social events such as my mum's 60th birthday in October. My dad and I are throwing a surprise dinner party for her with a diamond theme. I'm really enjoying planning it, and have been busy making reservations and invitations.

Throughout the summer we made the most of any weekends when the sun was shining to go on adventures. We've had several long walks in the countryside, been paddling in the sea, and have even managed to catch some rays in yet another disappointing British summer weather wise.

Clockwise from top left: Delicious strawberries from our garden served with posh vanilla ice-cream; Mum & family friends in the Cancer Research Race for Life in Brighton; pretty roadside flowers on a long countryside walk; Pevensey Castle; monster footprints in the sand at Rye Beach; hubby braving the icy waters of the English Channel; Cuckmere Haven

So life has been, and continues to be, busy, busy, busy, but it's all good. The work situation is a lot less stressful now something's been sorted, I'm already feeling physically better from the gym (though it'll take a while for that belly to decrease), and autumn looks set to be a good season, hooray!


  1. Yeah, it's funny when teenagers can't comprehend life without summer breaks. They have weeks to get away from whatever problems happened during the previous school year.

    1. A couple of the youth were so disappointed when I told them that adults don't get "half-term", which is a week off school that happens in the middle of each twelve week (or however long it is) school period. Actually they weren't just disappointed, they were crestfallen. And when I said that on average you start with between 20 and 25 days holiday a year in the UK working world they looked devastated! But to be fair I think I felt the same when I got my first proper job ;)

  2. Hooray for the castle! Sounds like a great Summer.

    That reminds me I need to get back to the gym as well, at the very least for the fact that I'm paying for something I don't use! Keep up the good work :)

    1. Yeah, that is definitely another incentive!
