
Friday 4 May 2012

This Year in Our Garden...

...we will hopefully succeed in growing spinach, lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, chillis, and numerous flowers!

A couple of weeks ago we did a massive tidy up in the garden. It's only small but we still managed to fill four green sacks for the dump! We hacked and pruned at the bigger, overgrown plants. We destroyed numerous weeds. We cleaned the brick patio so that the original red colour is starting to come through instead of the murky brown of the mud and dead leaves that had been covering it. My husband even attempted some topiary on a small bush - he was going for a Steam Punk cog, but it just looks like a smaller version of its original self. Oh well, at least the ladybirds can still live in it happily, they've only lost a few leaves.

After tidying up the lower flowerbed we planted a range of flower seeds - poppies, candytuft, and larkspur. There should be a bright display of a range of colours at the beginning of summer.

We then planted the spinach and lettuce in pots, and planted the strawberries in a hanging basket just outside the kitchen. The strawberries that were planted before we moved in are in a darker part of the garden, where they are easily overshadowed by the more tall bushes that seem to grow a centimetre an hour, and so they barely grew at all last year. So we've decided to have a go ourselves, and these ones are in a good sunny spot.
The lettuce and spinach have begun to come up
(This section of patio still needs weeding and cleaning!)

One of the strawberry plants has begun to flower

We've planted tomato and chilli seeds indoors, and they will be moved outside in the summer.

The tomatoes on one of our sunnier windowsills

We had a fair amount of rain and sunshine throughout April, so hopefully everything has got off to a good start, however I am little concerned about the continuing strong winds. Still as long as another fence panel doesn't come crashing down, like in January, then we should be OK!

Will update you on the progress in due course :)

PS. Happy Star Wars Day!


  1. Exciting! We've planted about 130 onions over the last couple of days! We're trying to plant according to the moon this year as well, it's actually very helpful for keeping us organised!

    1. Wow, that's a lot of onions!

    2. There are still more to plant!

  2. I could certainly use your help in my rather pathetic garden!!!

    1. I'd love to say that I could offer some advice, but our spinach has already been decimated by slugs, and we're having an ongoing problem with poo from our neighbours' cats - it doesn't damage the plants (although they had better not come near the fruit & veg!), but it does make spending time in the garden rather unpleasant :(

      Having said that, hopefully we'll see some progress soon! The tomatoes indoors are doing really well, thankfully. Hope you have some success in your garden soon :)
