
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Er...Hi 2013...

So far I don't have much to say about 2013. I mean, we welcomed in the New Year in a fun way - leaping into it, Danish style, in the middle of a masquerade ball themed wedding reception - probably the best way I've ever started a new year.

New Years Day was beautiful with the sun shining brightly for the first time in a fortnight. That's not a bad way to start at all.

However, the drudgery of the weekly work routine has set in all too quickly, my husband is working too many night shifts for my liking, and it's, you know, January. BLAH.

A lot of people have been writing inspiring and thought-provoking blog posts about their hopes and dreams for 2013, their New Year's Resolutions, their fresh starts. I definitely welcomed 2013 much more happily than I have welcomed in any other year for some time, but still not with the same gusto as many others appear to have done.

I anticipated that my enthusiasm would disappear within a couple of days, so it's not much of a shock that I feel the way I do now. Flat and grey and tired and bored and apathetic.

Having said that, I am pleased with myself that I am soldiering on. That I am taking the time to drink in the good stuff, and to make plans, and to keep my brain occupied. But it is taking a lot of effort. Every minute of every day I am having to make a conscious decision to stay strong and face the winter. I don't want to. I would rather stay in bed. But I am trying, and am so far succeeding. I will keep going.

I don't have resolutions. I don't have any particular hopes and dreams, at least not any that I feel comfortable sharing on the interwebs. I am making a daily effort to keep at the things that will make life a little better in the long run. I don't like it because it is hard work. I do like that I am not alone in my hard work. And that is how I still soldier on.


  1. The masquerade wedding sounds like a lot of fun!

    I think it is normal to feel this way. There is always a bunch of hype about the new year for the first couple of days. Then we have to go back to our normal lives and start taking the little steps that will make each year turn out the way we want (if it's in God's plan).

    1. It was lots of fun :)

      Yeah, I think you're right. I've just noticed myself making more of a conscious effort to keep trying this year because I very easily fall out of the habit. I'm already dangerously clinging onto the edge right now, and I would just love to persevere that bit more for once. If I think about making those little steps in terms of resolutions I end up making them too big in my mind and then I can't do them at all.

  2. Masquerade ball theme wedding on New Years Eve. BEST IDEA EVER!

    1. It was a fantastic idea for both a wedding and for NYE! Really good fun :)

  3. Happy new year! My new year enthusiasm is only on-going because I have been looking forward to the arrival of 2 new bookcases which we bought with some Christmas money. They finally arrived today so now I get to fill them with books! Filling a new bookcase has to be one of the best activities in the world!! :-D

    I hope you have a lovely year ahead of you xx

    1. Haha, yeah, filling bookshelves is probably the only element of tidying up and putting away that I enjoy! That's because books are great, and there's so many different ways that they can be categorised - nerd alert! ;)

      Hope you guys have a great New Year too xx
