
Tuesday 20 November 2012

November Without NaNoWriMo

In case the title of this post isn't obvious enough, I am not doing NaNoWriMo this year.

Last year was the first time I had ever taken part in it, having thought it about for years but never having the courage to give it a go. And so it was that on 30th November 2011 I submitted 50,000+ words of my comedic fantasy adventure. I was really proud of my achievement. I have the best part of a novel that I have slowly been editing ever since. It's taking much longer than I hoped to complete it,but I am determined to finish it in the foreseeable future. Without the motivation of NaNoWriMo I would never have gotten so far with a novel. I spend a lot more time thinking about writing, than actually writing. And I discovered that having only thirty days to write 50,000 words is an excellent way to get your butt into gear!

I genuinely thought that I could do NaNoWriMo this year, until I was sitting at work during my lunch break at the end of October, my pen hovering over my notebook, open at the vague story plan I'd scribbled out the evening before. I stared at it, realisation slowly dawning on me - there was no way I could possibly write it in a month. Not this year anyway.

Firstly, the subject I had chosen required a significant amount of research before I could begin. Even if I had started writing it on 1st November I would have quickly become frustrated at my lack of knowledge in certain key areas. Unlike my fantasy novel of the previous year, where I felt I could have as much artistic license as I pleased, a hypothetical event in a historical context would need proper research.

Secondly, it dawned on me that it was the end of October. How had that happened? It had only been August the day before! Or so it had felt. I then thought ahead to November itself - two Bonfire Nights, First Aid training, a Fairtrade Fayre, other various church activities, a full-time job in an ever-changing environment, manic domestic and social commitments... Writing 50,000 words in those thirty days was beginning to look impossible. I know some people manage to write their novels despite all the busyness in their lives, but right now I am not capable of handling that pressure.

My SAD seems to be worse, I've had two colds already this autumn, and there is a lot going on that I need to think and pray about. Rather than looking forward to the escape of writing a novel, NaNoWriMo 2012 was suddenly looming over me like another stressful burden.

NaNoWriMo 2012 was not to be for me. But I am still writing. I am taking my notebook to work for when inspiration strikes so I can write during my lunch breaks. I'm working on a short story as a Christmas present to my in-laws. I have also officially become a regular writer for the church magazine. My writing continues, even if I am doing it less than I would like.

I miss those two days a week that I had to write at home, and I would love to have them back, but right now I am finding ways to fit my passion around the rest of my life without that luxury, like the majority of writers have to.

I also now have plenty of time, come what may, to prepare myself for NaNoWriMo 2013!

All the very best to those of you who are doing NaNoWriMo this year. You can do it!

1 comment:

  1. I am not doing NaNoWriMo but I was contemplating AcWriMo which is pretty much the same but academic writing instead. I thought it would be a good way to push myself to work on my thesis, but I didn't get around to it! Oh well...
