
Saturday 2 June 2012

England: What I Love

Hopefully this one will be a bit more cheerful than the last one, although I hope my list of "dislikes" was at least amusing in places.

In truth, whilst there is indeed much that frustrates me about my country, there is far more that I love. It is, after all, my home, and wherever I might go in the future it always will be. However great a trip abroad I have had, I always feel a warm sensation of contentment on the plane home, seeing the familiar patchwork of fields, railways, roads, and rooftops as we begin the descent for landing. The sun may be shining, but usually the view is partially obscured by cloud. But that's my England, and I love it.

Here are some of the reasons why:

History. For a start, there is so much of it! There are so many amazing places, from ruins to completely preserved buildings, to explore, to admire, and to learn from. I've always enjoyed studying the history of our country, from the markings of ancient settlements in lonely fields through to the secret tunnels and bunkers of the more recent wars.

Dover Castle - a history extending from the Iron Age to the Cold War

Greenery. All that rain has to be good for something, and I must say that the luscious green of the countryside and forests makes my heart sing. Anytime spent in the English countryside is immediately relaxing and soothing to the soul.

Wildlife. For the most part our animals are pretty safe, unless you're allergic to particular stings and bites. When I was a child I loved seeing animals in the wild, then for years I didn't pay much attention. Since being married however I've developed a renewed appreciation. My husband loves photographing birds, and I'm learning which is which now, and am becoming better at detecting the different birdsongs. I also love working on our garden to attract different birds, bees, and butterflies. My favourite animals to spot in the wild are deer and wild ponies. I always get excited on the rare occasions that I see them, and I love to stand in silence watching them for a while.

Exmoor ponies, spotted on honeymoon in Devon

Tea. There are many types of tea that are popular here, especially Earl Grey, but I'm a big fan of a good strong cup of 'builder's tea': brew for several minutes, squeeze the tea bag to death, then add a good splosh of milk - "perfick.". That's what I drink several times a day, but I'll admit to being a little more refined on occasional afternoons when I will indulge in a cream tea at a proper English tea room, complete with fine china and dainty cake stands.

The National Health Service. "The world's largest publicly funded health service." I have great admiration for the NHS, and think it's pretty damn good! It admittedly has a few problems with bureaucracy, bed space, and waiting times, but on the whole I have had a positive experience with it. From having my wisdom teeth removed to the treatment of my slightly malfunctioning thyroid I've received great quality care, as have many people I know. Good healthcare is something that all people should have access to regardless of their income or any life-long illness they may be suffering from.

Queueing. Although I actually loathe queueing because I am an immensely impatient individual, I must admit that it keeps order. If you ever push to the front of a queue in this country you will be met with the coldest of glares. One must wait for one's turn you know.

Strawberries. Fresh local strawberries from late May and early June are the most delicious fruit that ever was. Add meringues and cream and you have the perfect dessert.

Festivals. There are lots of festivals that I love, in particular Bonfire Night in my hometown, but also small festivals held all over the place, usually throughout summer or around Christmas time. When I was a child we frequently went to arts and crafts fairs in the grounds of grand palaces, or history festivals held in castle ruins. These usually involve admiring stalls of expensive but beautiful goods, watching events from jousts to belly dancing, eating hog roasts, fudge, or ice-cream to excess, and digging around for a bit of pocket money to buy the cheapest yet coolest thing you can find - mini cannon key-ring anyone?

Hubby & friends purchasing mead at Herstmonceux Medieval Festival

The Seaside. In the summer a stroll along a promenade with a Mr Whippy ice-cream, a paddle in the cold sea, building a sandcastle on a sandy beach or searching for interesting shells on a pebble beach, riding a carousel, walking along a pier, clambering amongst rock pools, maybe taking a boat out fishing, and then ending with fish and chips for supper, is the kind of stuff my childhood holidays were made of. The combined smells of seaweed, sun cream, and salty air bring back a lot of happy memories. I also don't live very far from the coast, so it's an experience that can be frequently relived as an adult, huzzah!

London. I love the Big Smoke, more so now that I no longer work there. I don't really like the crowds, but I do love spending the day there with friends, whether its to play at being tourists in Westminster or at the museums, seeing a show in the West End, grabbing a bite to eat in Covent Garden or The Strand, going to a gig in a small Camden bar, or just wandering at leisure along the South Bank. I have very fond memories of my student days visiting the University of London and Institute of Classical Studies libraries in Senate House in Bloomsbury followed by hanging out with a friends in other areas, so each time I go to London I feel a strong attachment to my studies that reminds me that the capital will always be a special place for me.

View up the Thames from the top of Tower Bridge

We're in Europe. I can hop on the Eurostar, ferry, or plane and be in continental Europe pretty quickly. So far I've explored parts of France, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Greece, Spain, and Portugal. Holland is next on the radar.

We're in the United Kingdom. Wales is the only one of the other UK countries that I have been to. It's incredibly beautiful, from the gorgeous south-west of Pembrokeshire to the stunning and mysterious Snowdonia region. I very much want to explore Scotland and Northern Ireland - they are on my very long 'to visit' list. Both countries have been highly recommended for their outstanding beauty first of all, and there's also plenty of history and interesting places to explore. Yet there's also much more of Wales, and indeed England itself, that I have still to see, not to mention all the islands dotted around. At least there's plenty to keep us busy over the next few years!

Let's not forget the other awesome things that I love about England: South Downs, pubs, Shakespeare, double decker buses, Marmite, roses, cider, Jane Austen, hidden passages in towns, Sunday roasts, Harry Potter, Muse, cheddar cheese, Bill Bailey, fry-ups, the Kennet & Avon Canal, excellent costume dramas, Lake District, village greens, some of the sexiest sounding villains in Hollywood...

And now at the start of this extra long weekend of festivities, I would just like to say:

Happy Diamond Jubilee to Her Majesty

Photos my own.


  1. Thank you so much for writing this! It was really cool to read about life in England and what you enjoy about it. Very cool! I would love to go there someday, but I just don't know if it is in the cards for me...we'll see. :)

    1. Thanks Kayleigh, glad you enjoyed it :) And if you ever do get the chance to head Europe-wards then I do recommend stopping by England ;)

  2. OMG-I loved this post so much. and I adore your England. I spent 3 heavenly months there and I can't get it out of my brain. Someday...someday I will live there I think. Even if it's only for a few more months. haha

    I loved reading all your insider insights into this glorious country. And that list at the very end-so great. One of my favorite things too was finding secret pathways through like the middles of village and either side would be flanked by intriguing brick walls and who knows where you'll end up at the end? Soo genius. And LOL at the -whole sexy voiced villian thing--seriously yeah!

    1. Thanks Jeanine, glad you enjoyed the read :)
